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What is a Men’s Emmaus Retreat?

During our retreat weekends, men just like you, some Catholic, some Christian, some of other religions, some with no faith at all gather to hear men testify to what God has done in their lives. They do not preach. All in attendance are asked to just listen to their life-stories and to ultimately find answers and to make decisions for yourself… How can I make meaningful changes in my life?  Can God help? Does God even exist? Does God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit have a place in my life?

Do I have to be Christian or Catholic to attend?

No, you do not need to be a Catholic or even Christian to attend.  Some in attendance are just looking to reboot their faith life. Others are reaching for answers, may be lukewarm or have fallen away from their faith. Still others may be overwhelmed with significant long term or sudden challenges. Over the years, many men – Catholics, non-Catholics, non-church goers, even those who profess no faith in God at all –have attended this retreat and for all it has proven to be a rewarding and life-changing spiritual experience.

What’s going to happen? Will I be forced to do anything?

The St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center is a quiet, peace filled, place apart from the day-to-day pressures of life. If you choose, you can just sit back, relax and listen the entire weekend. You will not be forced to talk or to do anything that makes you feel the least bit uncomfortable.  You will simply hear men sharing personal stories of their own life and faith experiences. Common to all is the desire to find answers to their questions about life and faith.

Will anyone try to convert me?

The men who attend Emmaus are ordinary men who come from all walks of life and all faith backgrounds.

Some men will undoubtedly express a very strong faith in God, but no one is there to preach or to attempt to convert you to any particular way of religious thinking. To get the most out of the weekend, all you need to do is listen and observe with an open mind and an open heart.

Are meals provided?

Everything is included. Snacks and a light meal on Friday evening, as well as three meals and snacks on both Saturday and Sunday. Please inform us of any dietary or health restrictions or special needs you may have. We can accommodate just about all types of requests.

How much does it cost?

The all-inclusive cost is $150 per attendee. * This includes a private room, all meals Friday through Sunday, snacks and beverages and any other items you may receive. *Cost is never an obstacle. Emmaus is a non-profit organization. If you are experiencing financial hardship arrangements can be made to defer or wave payment.


When to arrive and what to bring?

Please arrive at 6 p.m. on Friday evening.   Bring comfortable clothing and personal items for a two-night stay. While some men dress business casual, most wear jeans, sweats, or whatever they might wear on a typical evening around home.  You will be given a private room and bedding; separate showers are available.

How to get to St. Paul of the Cross?

St. Paul of the Cross is located on Pittsburgh’s South Side.

The address is 148 Monastery Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15203.

Click on "Directions" on the map for gps directions.

© 2019 Pittsburgh Emmaus 

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