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Retreat - Rethink - Reboot

Are you in search of information, direction and solutions to overwhelming problems, to relieve burdens and to make profound life changes. Experiencing significant  long-term and or a traumatic short-term crisis?

During our retreats, regular men, imperfect themselves, testify to what God has done in their lives, but they do not preach. All in attendance are asked to just listen respectfully to the speaker’s life-stories and to ultimately make decisions for themselves… Does God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit have a place in my life. If following a retreat, a man wants to learn more about Jesus Christ or to begin, or continue, their formation in Christianity through membership in a Parish, or Church, of their choosing and or through building on their initial relationship within our community of like-minded men, we offer assistance in their efforts.


© 2019 Pittsburgh Emmaus 

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